First Aid, Teacher Training, Public HealthResumo
This article evaluated the results of an educational intervention in first aid on the knowledge of professionals working in a daycare center in a Quilombola community. Methods: An experimental, non-randomized study based on pre- and post-intervention, with a single group, from March 2022 to September 2022. Pre- and post-intervention observations were carried out using a semi-structured questionnaire to assess professionals’ knowledge of concepts and some of the main first aid maneuvers in the context of early childhood education. Results: Five women (50%) and five men (50%) participated in the intervention. The majority reported having witnessed first aid situations and denied having received training on the subject in the last ten years. Regarding first aid knowledge, the first application of the questionnaire showed little theoretical knowledge of the topics x̅ 3.6 (±1.26). However, after the second workshop, the percentage of correct answers increased significantly x̅ 8.5 (±1.43). Conclusion: Health education strategies focused on the prevention of accident complications in the school environment are effective and necessary. We emphasize that the workshops for Quilombola professionals qualify them as allies in the defense and protection of life in the community.
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