
  • Fernanda Cristina Poscai Ribeiro
  • Kleber Fernando Pereira
  • Dayane Kelly Sabec-Pereira
  • Alexandre Daronco
  • Alcântara Ramos de Assis César




Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Severe Headache, Epidemiology


Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a tick-borne rickettsiosis. The main clinical signs and symptoms are fever, severe headache, rashes and myalgia. It is considered difficult to diagnose and underreported. The study aims to descriptively analyze the epidemiology of cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in Brazil from 2010 to 2021. This is a retrospective cohort study that statisticall analyzes the cases of spotted fever in Brazil between 2010 and 2020 through data obtained by the Information System of Notifiable Diseases. The proportions of spotted fever cases were calculated according to: sex, age, race/color, infection environment and evolution. There are 1967 cases were confirmed. The regions with the most cases were the Southeast (n%=72.24) and the South (n%=24). However, there are 4 deaths in the south while the lethality coefficient from the southeast is 47.78%. The most affected age group was 40-59 years old (n%=34.87), and 20-39 years old (n%=28.98). 71.17% of the cases are male. As for color/race, 60% of the cases are in whites. As for the infection environment, 35.23% are at home, 15.3% are at work, 26.13% are leisure places. The prevalence in males and the predominant age group 20-59 years can be linked to work activity, which leaves hem more exposed to ticks. The high numbers in adulthood can also be related to ecotourism. The lethality of the disease differs between the South and Southeast regions. One explanation for this phenomenon would be the different etiological agents, R. rickettsi, predominant in the Southeast, generating more severe clinical conditions.


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Como Citar

RIBEIRO, Fernanda Cristina Poscai; PEREIRA, Kleber Fernando; SABEC-PEREIRA, Dayane Kelly; DARONCO, Alexandre; CÉSAR, Alcântara Ramos de Assis. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER IN BRAZIL, 2010-2020. Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde da UNIPAR, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 3, p. 1512–1527, 2023. DOI: 10.25110/arqsaude.v27i3.2023-028. Disponível em: https://unipar.openjournalsolutions.com.br/index.php/saude/article/view/9508. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.


